jeudi 16 juillet 2009

Dell Favors Moblin Over Chrome OS, For Now

Dell appears to be leaning toward Moblin as its next-generation operating system for netbooks, rather than Google's Chrome OS, Android, or even Windows 7.

Dell was not one of the companies named by Google as one of its hardware partners for the Chrome OS; a spokeswoman said at the time that it was "constantly assessing new technologies". Dell had no comment at the time. Instead, the Web giant said it was working with nearly all of Dell's competitors: Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo, and Toshiba were the PC OEMs named.

In a blog post, Dell said it will continue to evaluate the Chrome OS.

"As with most new technology, Dell plans to evaluate the Chrome OS and other alternative operating environments, like we've done in the past," Doug A. wrote. "Luckily (for me!), Dell enjoys a great relationship with Google."

Doug A. wrote that Dell remains very interested in so-called "alternative operating systems," such as Ubuntu's Netbook Remix, which create experience targeted platforms that do away with the traditional Windows operating environment. "This can be seen as a disadvantage," he wrote. "However, these alternative operating environments attempt to address this shortcoming by focusing their feature set with a self-directed experience: entice and direct the user to its strengths."
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